Customer Happiness

This heap of sh!t is finally en route back to the hell hole it came from.
We have a GPS tracker for Jake because once upon a time he got spooked by gunfire along the river wayyyyy below and ran off.
The old tracker expired a few months ago and so we got the new updated version…except that it became clear very quickly that it was no where near as good as the old one.
It’s taken me about 12 emails to and fro with a customer happiness manager first trying to fix it and then when they declared that it was working as it should (so not being able to actually track my dog when I need to is clearly not a problem) I asked for a refund. Only yesterday did they cave when I copied the money back guarantee info from their website into the email.
Just prior to backing down they had suggested that if I no longer wanted to use their product then I could pass it on to a friend….

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