Wood shaving pellets
Well that was a first ... wood pellet bedding for horses. I arrived at Jeanette's half an hour early, as I'd allowed plenty of time from home. I'm dog/housesitting for Jeanette, an old school friend, here in Churston for the next week. Bella & Bess are 2 working Springers, both lovely characters, eager to play & retrieve. We had a quick coffee before going to collect J's granddaughter, Grace, from school then on to her yard to bring Annie, her grey mare, Puzzle, a skewbold livery, & Tina, a miniature Shetland, in off the grass. Stables cleaned, fresh bedding including a 15kg poly bag of these wood pellets, they expand with moisture, which J uses along with straw . https://www.ecowoodpellets.co.uk/use-wood-pellets-horse-bedding/http:// fresh water, & hay nets changed we brought the horses in off the grass, then locked up & headed back to the house. Grace was having tea, so J got a pizza out of the freezer, popped it in the oven then asked Alexa, (another Alexa fan) to set the timer for 10 minutes. 10 minutes later Alexa came good. :-) One cooked, but not burnt pizza. Impressive!
Jeanette had made cottage pie for dinner, to which she adds oxtail soup, apparently her Mum did the same. That's another first for me. I can always remember liking J's mum's beef stew, she made mashed potato to go with it. We always had ours in a soup bowl with dumplings at home. I'd brought a bundle of runner beans so we had some of those with the cottage pie.
Thanks to JDO for hosting Tiny Tuesday
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