Sunset At Little Haven

After last night's rain, we woke to clear skies and, after a leisurely Sunday breakfast of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, walked along the beach to Broad Haven, which was busy with dog walkers and kite surfers.

We strolled further along the coastal path towards Nolton Haven for an hour or more before heading back to Broad Haven and sitting opposite the beach in the sunshine with a pint of local Bluestone Blonde beer and a panini.

Back at the cottage we sat in the garden for an hour or more with the Sunday paper's. This evening we walked down to The Point, the headland from where yesterday's blip was taken just in time for sunset, then enjoyed a meal of locally caught mackerel washed down with a pint of the Reverend James. A pretty perfect Sunday.

The extra is a view of Broad Haven beach with Little Haven beyond.

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