Impression of Sunflowers
A lovely morning today for a walk with fellow blippers GracieG, JohnRH & W. The sunflowers are at the start of the Bayfield Bird Walk, a lovely varied walk. Obviously we stopped off at the cafe for a drink and some cake. I've added an Extra of a couple of portraits. At the end we had a look round the art gallery and I made a purchase which will no doubt appear in a future blip. I also bought a chicken, ham and leek pie for dinner from the deli. More gardening this afternoon, plus an Arts Society zoom lecture. I was going to go to the camera club project meeting tonight, but I've decided not to attend that or the camera club and U3A photo group meetings. The reason being that the vast majority of people aren't following Govt guidelines to 'Wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed settings where you come into contact with people you do not normally meet' - at the U3A meeting the other day I was the only person wearing a mask.
Day 554 / Day 65 of Step 4 of Roadmap Easing (for my record only)
Covid has now killed 675,000 people in the US, as many as died in the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918-19, with modelling predicting another 100,000 deaths in the US by the end of the year. As part of a High Court case looking at the awarding of antibody test contracts, Matt Hancock will have his personal emails and WhatsApp messages searched. The ONS reports that 160,374 deaths involving coronavirus have occurred in the UK since the pandemic began i.e. about 2,000 a week on average or c1,700 a week on average per the Govt reported figures (and it concerns me that c1,000 deaths are being reported every week now per Govt reported figures, even outside winter months with over 80% double jabbed). Researchers from UCL estimate that 10,000 people will die earlier of cancer due to the pandemic. Network Rail reports that only 20% of rail passengers are still wearing masks at train stations now that it is no longer compulsory, with a Govt spokesman saying 'the guidance is clear that people are expected and recommended to wear a mask when they come into contact with people they don't normally meet in enclosed and crowded spaces.'
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