Return to the North

By Viking

The youth of today!

I woke up in the middle of the night with a migraine which did, unfortunately not get better with pills and a couple of hours more sleep Knock on effect being that I rang in sick this morning. 

I emailed students work (as teachers are required to do, whether we are at death's door or not, never understood that but hey did it anyway) and then tacked on a message at the end to two of my students who were going to help with the 6th form open evening this evening. Told them that they were 'free' because I wasn't going to be there. I got an email back almost immediately from them to say that they would still go to the open evening because they thought it was important for Sociology to be represented. I then had to say that I hadn't done the display (was going to be a lunchtime job today) so they did that for me too.
So the next time I lump all of the 'youth of today' together I will stop and remember times like these. They reduced me to tears, God Bless them! 

The migraine did leave around midday but has left me feeling rough and with a very queasy stomach and lingering bluergh feeling. Hey ho tomorrow is another day.

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