Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Today's lovely visitors

We met Chris and Geoff a few years ago when they happened to be at the same hotel as we were for a walking holiday in the Dolomites. What they thought when our noisy, exuberant group spoiled the peace and quiet of the place, I really don't know.

We were soon all friends and from then on they have come twice a year to the Haltwhistle Walking Festival, stopping only due to Covid. (In fact they tried to see us last year, but the Covid rates were soaring in Newcastle so they went home early.)

This weekend we were all in Berwick together. They are undoubtedly part of our walking "family". Today they came to see Mum before they go home to Wales.

In other news, I have moved on from automatic head cleaning, to flushing through the blocked nozzles on my printer. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. I'm waiting for the most recent flush to work and then I will cross my fingers and toes and connect the printer to the power again.

Wish me luck!!

No doubt more cartridges will run out before this process is completed.

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