Jupiter and It’s Moons
OK so this is a tricky shot.
I pulled out the telescope tonight and I tried to take some pictures through the telescope with my phone, with obviously limited success.
Apart from some of the lens flares in this photo, the bright light in the middle is Jupiter, while the lights there on the lower right are some of Jupiter’s moons lined up. In the upper left there is one more of Jupiter’s moons.
When the interpretation is done, it’s kind of a cool thing, and when you look through the telescope without the camera, the moons look like little diamonds around the one bright diamond. Quite beautiful and delicate.
Winter is coming soon and will run out of opportunity to stand outside and take pictures but for tonight it was lots of fun.
- 1
- 0
- Apple iPhone 11 Pro
- 1/2
- f/1.8
- 4mm
- 12500
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