Apple Blossom update

A very lazy blip from me as the only photos I've taken today were a few shots of the progress my Apple Blossom Amaryllis has made since I posted it on Wednesday.

I tried and managed to have a rather quiet Sunday. After getting up quite late I prepared all the ingredients for a meal in the slow cooker which didn't require any other effort after throwing everything in the pot than switching it off when it was ready. Another thing I did do today was wash my hair after I had it cut a little shorter by my mother. She's been cutting my hair for 50 years and still insists on doing it now. I don't know how much longer she'll want to do it or will be able to but I dread the day when I shall have to trust a hairdresser with it.

Fortunately we haven't had any new snow since last night. I've just looked at the weather forecast for the next few days and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be correct for a change. Apparently it's still going to be cold but we should be getting some sun both tomorrow and on Tuesday.

A very big thank you for all the lovely comments and stars on my swan blip from yesterday. :)

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