Where's Wally(s)

Ah here they come.
DofE check point duty at Shutlingsloe.

Me: "Hey gang, you're doing great, how're you feeling? "
Group: "thanks Sir, it's Ok*"
Me: "OK, do you you know which group you are?"
Group: "yes, we're group A"
Me: "great, oh, err, hang on, Group A are all boys. Whilst I don't want to make assumptions, you all appear to be female"
Group: " pretty sure we're group A Sir"
Me: "OK, I'll work it out, have fun"
Put a question mark next to every all girl group.....
Me: "hey boys how's it going?"
Group: "it's Ok**"
Me: "I'm sure it'll get better, now, do you know which group you are?"
Group: "yes, we're group 4"
Me: " that's great guys, except we're using letters..."
Group: "oh, we don't know then"...
Me: "OK, I'll work it out, have fun"
Put question mark next to every all boy group.
Me: " hey gang, how's.. yada yada...do you know which group you are?"
Group: "yes! We're the Hilltop Superstars!"
Me: "love it, but actually we're using letters of the alphabet..."
Group: "oh, we don't know then"...
Me: "OK, I'll work it out, have fun"
Put question mark next to every group.
Me: " hey gang, how's.. yada yada...do you know which group you are?"
Group: "yes! We're Purple"
Me: "Interesting, but actually......"
Me: hmmm, 16 groups, it's going to be a long long day...

* it's always OK
• OK appears to be as good as it gets...

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