
By JeanSnaps

The tower and the hill.

Another warm sunny day and it rained in the night so I didn't have to water the front garden. Went out first thing though to trim the cotoneaster and move the garden table and chairs + various containers to make life easier for the guys coming to paint the guttering.  Had breakfast and a read then partially cleaned the bathroom before going out to tackle the awkward downpipe which hides behind the fatsia and is right against the fence dividing my garden from Debbie's.  This was hell. I'd tidied it last year but the ivy is intent on reaching the house wall and growing up it. Debbie has recently erected a cross between an arbour and a marquee right next to her side of the fence which hasn't helped things.  However I won the battle and the guys have a nice plant free pipe to paint.   Went to check the front and found what looks like a lovely delicate plant growing up Debbie's TV aerial and heading for the guttering.  It's not something she planted  and she probably hasn't noticed it but it is a thug in spite of looking sweet and would likely colonise the guttering when it got there so I  pulled off the lower bits and the higher bits should now fall off.  Came in to a well earned tea break and a heat pad.   Later I went up to Strathmiglo and walked along the river Eden to the Corston Tower in beautiful light.  I don't usually walk that far but now I'm not walking every day I seem to be getting away with going a bit further when I do walk. Met June when I came back  and told her how lovely her front garden looks.  I see it from my bedroom window and she's just recently remodelled it.  Like me she's got rid of shrubs and gone for something colourful and easy to look after.

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