There's a few stories here... Here's one...
We all have them - histories (or herstories).
The chair in the left foreground is the oldest chair I own. It's not very comfortable but it's not that bad. It was "borrowed" from the Queen Victoria Building in that late 1970s by a friend of mine from school. He worked in a bookshop in the QVB (Abbeys) at the time the QVB was lying mostly dormant having teetered on the brink of demolition for some years. He liked a biro drawing I'd done (I think it was an abstract somewhere between a guitar and a woman) and offered to swap the chair for the drawing. I loved its arms (still do in fact). The chair had a leather seat and backing with button (pin) studs. The leather had already started to crack when I got it. In about the 1990s my father reupholstered it - which is odd as I cannot recall anything else he's ever upholstered. Anyway, it's now relegated to the deck as it's too big to fit anywhere else. I haven't seen my old friend, or my drawing, since shortly after we made the swap. In fact I cannot recall his name right now - I shall sleep on it (the problem of recalling his name not the chair). He was in the year above me which makes it a bit trickier.
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