Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Cutting Corners

I spent a lot of time today in the Hayloft, stitching (by hand) the origami bag I started in the workshop on Thursday. It is nearly finished, just the fastening to do. 

I forgot about Blipping till darkness had fallen, so was casting about for a subject, and remembering it is Saturday, and something Silly would be appropriate ....

During the pandemic, spending so much more time at home, I've occasionally passed a happy hour or two just messing with paint and bits and pieces cut from newspapers, tea packets, stamps off letters, old photographs, any old stuff that catches the eye - and recycling old greetings cards into something that I saw on YouTube, called a Smash Book. I guess that's because you smash it all together as the mood takes you.

I had a session trimming the cards ready for 'binding' (with old yarn), and I liked the jumble painted and collaged chips so much that I've started collecting them in a glass jar. And that's my Blip for today. (Yes, I do know I need to get out more ....). The extra is one of the pages, very silly but it provides hours of harmless amusement :-)

I think Admirer would have approved of that. 

For some reason I can't get the 'chips' to upload as the main, so I've swopped it with the extra.

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