
First thing we had to do this morning was to go and get our winter ‘flu jabs - we had pre-booked appointments at the village medical centre. No fuss or queue - in and out in the blink of an eye.

Mrs madwill then went to collect our son who came for the day to help with the shifting of stuff from the studio.

On my way to join them, I stopped to snap this fabulously rusty chimney / vent on one of the units close to Mrs madwill's studio. The sun was just catching it - making it shine.

We spent all day clearing stuff and furniture from the studio and ferrying it back home to fill up the garage that I have spent so long clearing.

I took our son home late afternoon, and called into M&S to collect something for tea…lasagne tonight…with salad or chips - or both maybe.

I shall be self medicating with several beers as my back is now really sore!

Hopefully a less strenuous day tomorrow

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