Only a curl is gonna save it

Since Lock down, way back in April 2020 - I have been lax in colouring my hair, and getting it cut neatly.  I've had trims, more recently I have had low lights put in, but I had been concentrating on letting my hair grow. 

Si is not a fan of very short hair, which is surprising since I had Exceptionally short hair when I met him - (my personality and boobs must have overwhelmed him enough to overlook the hair). 

My hair in the heat drives me insane; whilst it can look beautiful when dried and straightened, a bit of moisture from rain / heat / sweat renders it a frizzball.  At night, i was getting tangled in my head and had taken to wearing a large headband to keep it off my face.   (Si is SOO lucky). 

On Sunday I could take no more and messaged the Hairdresser... she pinged straight back... "Thursday 5.30".  I was there at 510.  Amazing. 

Chop chop chop .. 

I've stuck a shot in extra - to show the difference in length.

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