Gods, but I've missed Live Music!

Wotton Blues Festival opened this year with the Sons of the Delta. It was my first proper "night out" and certainly my first live music since before the pandemic. Mark Cole on harmonica and vocals, Rick Edwards on lead guitar, Lyndon Webb on bass and Martin Fitzgibbon on drums.

After so long in isolation it was noticeable how tactile the people were there. Lots of hugging and social kisses that have been missing from social interaction for so long - or at least from mine! There is an innate desire, I think, for close contact and live music in a pub…

I'm a born hugger, but conscious of anxieties at home (and in any case no bugger was looking to give me a squeeze, dammit!) I watched the band, playing outside in the beer garden, from the fire escape. As the gig continued, more folk came out to listen and eventually I had to cede my solitary position on the fire escape, and that was my cue to return home.

The image is poor quality; I took only the iPhone, but the best camera is the one you have with you. Gods, but I have missed live music. The festival continues throughout the weekend, and I fully intend to see some more blues, albeit from as socially a distanced position as I can find...

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