A day in the life

By Shelling

Down under

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know that when I cross the border to Denmark I usually use the bridge connecting the two countries, as my blip for the day. The Bridge is in two parts, a ”highbridge” and a tunnel. It was raining a little today, so the low clouds and the slight mist enhanced the uneasy feeling I sometimes get at this point, when I see the road disappearing into the water a bit further ahead. I know people having a panic just about here and turned around on the man-made island, where the tunnel begins, to go back to Sweden, pay the bridge-fee, drive another thirty kilometers and use the ferry instead.

You may be able to see the very tip of a very flat island at the far right in the picture, that island has always been there and is called Salt islet (Saltholm), danish humour christened the new, man made island Pepper islet.

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