Home Made

I messaged Daughter Number 2 this morning to ask if she wanted to pop over for a cuppa as Mr W was out for the day. She replied immediately with a yes. She arrived a few hours later with her BF and my beautiful new Grandson. There was no hint of awkwardness after our chat from a few nights before and she was really keen for me to keep holding Baby J and change him but her BF wanted to do it all!! Still, it was so lovely to see them all. Baby J is changing really fast. He's really, really long! His mop of dark hair is getting lighter and he's feeding beautifully. They stayed for a few hours before heading off to their final appointment with the midwife. 

I had a few crochet orders come in over night which is good and I have signed up for a local Jumble Trail after seeing a link on my local Handmade Facebook page. You set up a stall outside your house and People are given a map of all the stalls. Hoping I might make a few sales to make me a bit of 'C Word' spending money. This is the 1st year I won't have a salary for 'C Word' shopping and its a bit scary!!!

So here you have my Challenge word Handmade. DN2 made me this little pottery Heart a few years ago. It only seemed right that it was blipped seeing as she came to see me today. And I bet you all thought I'd be blipping something from HeartFreek Creations!!!!

 1.    New
2.    White
3.    Feet
4.    Flower
5.    Sleeping
6.    Tiny
7.    Cotton
8.    Steps
9.    My Favourite....
10.  Looking Down
11.  Cake
12.  Family
13.  Numbers
14.  Wood
15.  2pm
16.  On Your Plate
17.  Handmade
18.  Heart
19.  Animal
20.  Mug
21.  Reflection
22.  Open
23.  Landscape
24.  Bokeh
25.  A Picture
26.  Above me
27.  Water
28.  Pattern
29.  Autumn
30.  A Selfie !!

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