
By Grammy

Bridge Over..

Calm waters. Sunny and warm then mild as we got to higher elevations. Ran into terrible fog on one of the mountains. Up at 5:15 am which was way too early but hubby got up at 4:00 am. When he heads to Merlefest in NC, he has a precise schedule: starting with “out the door at 5:00 am sharp.” I was ready when my sister and BIL arrived around 7:30. The Patuxent River and surrounding area looked utterly serene this morning as we crossed the bridge into Calvert County. My philosophy is it’s much better to cross bridges than burn any. The farm on the left of the picture is worth a fortune and I’m delighted the owners have chosen to continue farming vice selling it to developers. We made great time, stopping once at a rest area and then for a tasty Mexican lunch in Morgantown. We got to the farm around 4:00 pm. It’s wing night at the local pub so my BIL will get carryouts to go with the side vegetables my sister made ahead. Hubby sent me a pic of his “healthy” identifying bracelet. Everyone had to show their vaccine card or undergo a COVID test before entry into the festival. So happy he remembered his. The friend he’s with left his home. Not sure where my sister and BIL get their energy. They are out sweeping and cleaning and I can hardly hold my head up. Maybe it’s being six years older…. Thanks for all the nice comments and stars on my asters. For such a tiny touch of color, it made a nice display. Get ready folks, one more day till the next weekend of fun. “The hardest thing in life to learn is which bridge to cross and which to burn.” – David Russell.

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