River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: White Flowers …

… and that darned Robin … in Extras!
Rain overnight then a lovely sunny day.
MrD went off early on his motorbike and had an enjoyable day.
My gardening job today was to cut back the buddleia in the front garden - there was a lot of it, it’s flowers have been feeding the butterflies and bees for weeks. Now pruned and the branches in our green bins.
The Robin was supervising again - standing on the branches which I was trying to put in the bin, Jason the window cleaner thought this was hilarious! Robin also sang to us.
White flowers from left to right:
Mexican daisy, geranium (from Lidl), hydrangea for my Twitter friend - doesn’t compare with the beautiful one she posted a photo of  … tiny white flowers of Herb Robert which I was told had a Welsh Princess’s name and was very rare - it grows everywhere!!
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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