
…………………..water, a very precarious time to be doing long exposures…but despite its best attempts I managed to avoid getting my feet (or the camera) wet.

A very lazy day after a lie in! Having looked at the tide times I decided I would head out after tea and try some long exposures. After turning the house upside down looking for my filters I remembered I’d loaned them to eldest…no doubt they’re in his camera bag still! I had one screw on ND left and the right size adapter for my 16mm lens so that had to do.

It was a lovely evening for a walk along the beach, very mild with enough colour in the sky to create some interest. My blip was the first shot of the evening. There were lots of dead guillemots washed up on the beach and more coming in with the tide…they didn’t make a great focal point when I got to the rocky end of the beach!

I enjoyed my first evening at camera club last night…it was a very informal night so there was plenty of time for chat and introductions and I did meet two other members from the village. I think that’s my Tuesday evenings sorted for winter.

Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday.

Continued thanks for the love on Monday’s 3rd blip anniversary, it’s much appreciated.

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