
This afternoon I spent two hours making an exhibition of myself, whats new I hear you say! I was actually helping put up a wee photographic exhibition in the main reception area of the local hospital of photos taken by some students who did a short beginners course, when I joined I did not realise it was for beginners but I stuck with it and ended up giving a hand sometimes so for that I also got space for three of my own shots , the eagel eyed among you may spot them!
Still Baltic cold here but at least we have the power! Going to rush off and do a nice lamb casserole that will last two days just incase we have a repeat of yesterday. All power to the crew of the Calmac ferry Hebridean Isle that managed to get her round the Mull of Kintyre last night in treacherous conditions and fully laden with Hydro vans and generators and finally berthed at Campbeltown just after midnight. Sterling work lads, I know how rough those waters can be. Hope the islanders of Arran are fareing better today as they have been badly hit too.
Happy blipping all

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