Playing in Sand

We decided to drive over to the beach with Little Miss this morning; after we unloaded our stuff, Ellie & I went down to the shoreline. She has a big bag of sand toys and she wanted to bring everyone of them, I thought "too many" but she had her story for everyone of them. It was a beautiful sunny day.....just a little windy down by the shoreline.......we actually stayed near the top of the dune because I didn't think I could handle the steep steps, Ellie and all the sand toys. It works out great.

When we finished playing in the sand we drove to my DIL's parent's beach house to pick up some Polly Pocket dolls & accessories that my granddaughter said Little Miss could have. See extra for her happiness.

Ellie didn't take a nap today so it was an early night......I needed that early bedtime too.....I fell asleep while I was laying with her, perhaps even before she fell asleep!!!  

Stay safe but cherish every moment of your life.

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