
By photosbylt


Frozen custard. Our favorite treat night destination and as a rule, we always take visitors there. Zoey is a visitor. Miya got to go too but did not get in the photo.
Zoey is healing well. One more day until she she can swim.
While in Austin, Zoey stole my iPad out of my backpack and destroyed it. I did not have coverage on it so it cost $300 to have it replaced (it was new last February). I had my first iPad for 6 years and finally upgraded. I still brought her to my house. I told my daughter it wasn’t worth too much stressing. Just look at the reality of what is a big deal and what we can deal with and move on. 9/11, my moms cancer, hurricanes - so many things are truly hard. A ruined iPad is just frustrating, not life altering.

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