Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Cadgwith, Lizard Coast

Last night I met the group I was going to be with for the photography workshop, a lovely group of people. I was up at 5am this morning to meet in the hotel reception by 5.40am to go out to photograph the sunrise. We went to Lizard Point and took photos until about 8am. There was no sunrise but we still got many photos, some long exposures and some other seascape images. I realised that I had forgotten to bring my big stop filters for long exposure photography - I got them out the cupboard but must have forgotten to put them in my camera bag! Luckily Lee had a filter to lend me so that was a relief.

We were back at the hotel in time for a quick breakfast at 8.30am, and then we were out again the entire day. It has been a full on day, no rests, but we certainly got a full day of photography. We started off at Mullion Cove, and were there for some time - the first extra was taken from behind the harbour wall there. Then we went on to Cadgwith, where we sat on a bench at the harbour eating our packed sandwiches for lunch. It is a colourful little fishing harbour, and as we were taking photos the fishing boats started coming in with the day's catch so we watched the way the small boats are winched up onto the beach so the fresh catch can be taken to the refrigerated vans ready to be delivered. 

Next stop was Dollar Cove, where by now it was so sunny and hot, it was not really ideal for photography in that bright sunshine. We wandered around the beach, everyone photographing whatever took their interest and I spent ages waiting for the surfers to get the perfect wave and photographing them, as can be seen in the second extra.

Then back to Lizard Point to get the late afternoon sunshine on the old life boat house. It was so warm with blue skies, with seals playing in the waves below us, such a wonderful scene. This can be seen in my third extra.

We went back to the beach at the hotel, Polurrian beach, hoping to get a colourful sunset. The sky started turning pink and then the sun disappeared behind a low cloud, and that was the end of the sunset! I finally got back to the hotel after 8pm, and just had enough time to freshen up before supper at 8.30pm

It has been a long day and we are all tired - but I am up at 5am again tomorrow for another sunrise morning. 

Gavin walked Xena today and then worked, so he kept himself busy all day.

I took about 300 images today and I have not even had time to look at all of them, the images here were a quick selection from them. I have not had time to check journals or even look at my emails, so everything will have to wait until the workshop finishes as it is very busy.

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