Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

End of Days

His job is done - you could say he is now retired and living his golden years days on the golf course.  That would be wrong, of course - well, the golf course part.  In actual fact, his only job was to fertilize as many females as possible.  Then, he spends the remainder of his days dining on the sweetness in the garden - pollen.  He is a grass-carrying wasp (most likely Isodontia mexicana), a gentle, beneficial resident of gardens and fields.  I am only guessing about his gender based on the fact that I see no signs of an ovipositor that would identify it as a female.

Females of this species like bee houses or other small cavities in tree trunks and such (or around windows).  They provision their nest with a paralyzed cricket/katydid, place an egg in the host and then carry pieces of grass to stuff in the opening of the cavity to protect the egg.  Late next spring, adult wasps will (hopefully) emerge from the cavity to begin cycle all over again.  Being solitary wasps means that they lack the programming to defend a hive/group nest and you really have to work very, very hard to get one to sting you.  

Look closely at his chest to see all the pollen stuck to his fine fuzz.

Still a few hummers around but they weren't cooperating.  Lots of monarchs in the garden today, including one that I released this morning.  (See HERE). This is peak migration for the monarchs.  My last 7 fat caterpillars are all getting ready to pupate, most of them doing their walkabouts in the container.  End of days...

Had a nice FT with my parents this morning.  And got the final itinerary for Columbia which was kind of exciting.  As well as learning that two friends of mine have made a last minute decision to go on the trip!  Now time to start doing a check on things like SD cards, batteries, etc.

Strangely, my hands feel somewhat better today.  But I still need to schedule an appointment with the oncologist because I really don't want to be in Columbia and have this all flare up.  

And a friend of mine just had a breast biopsy this morning, so I am keeping her close in my thoughts, hoping for a positive outcome.  She's gone through too much already without adding breast cancer to the mix.

Enough rambling.  I'm thinking a little piece of dark Belgian today...


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