The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

All That Glitters

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

In my overexcitement about going on holiday on Monday, I had my nails done.

I think I might be the worst person for beauty therapists to deal with.

BT: “So, what are you thinking for your nails?”

Me: “I’m honestly not bothered. I’m going on holiday. Something summery.”

BT: “What about this colour? It’s quite a bright pink. I could add some glitter too?”

Me: “Cool.”

We were chatting as she did nail prep stuff. She asked how often I had my nails done and I replied that as I could count on one hand how often I’d ever had them done, ‘never’ pretty much summed it up!

BT (slightly panicked): “Ohhh, I’m a bit worried that you won’t be happy and you’ll think it’s a bit Barbie pink*.

Me: “Make it so”

Only one of us got the reference. Glad I didn’t say “Full ahead. Maximum warp.”


*And they are! But they are sparkly and pretty and summery.

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