A beautiful Memorial Service

We went to a beautiful memorial service for a Hanover treasure. Wally was a retired surgeon, one of the founders of a local medical center, friend of the earth and  an incredibly gifted wood turner in his retirement. His skill at carving and turning wood into elaborate burl bowls and intricate pieces was matched only by his enthusiasm and willingness to teach interested others. 

It was outside at a beautiful spot in Pembroke( the town where I taught for 26 years), Willowbrook Farm where we have walked and cross country skied. It was a small gathering, we were extremely honored to be invited.  A friend of his, Kristine Brennen, designed a sculpture from two rocks and a large erratic found on the Willowbrook property. Wonderful stories were shared, the weather was glorious snd the walk into the property was lovely.

Wally was married for the second time after losing his wife to another widowed Hanover treasure, historian and friend who was lost to sadly to Alzheimers in 2016. Wally was lost to Covid 19 last fall after a short stay at a nursing home. Before that stay(where he picked up Covid) he had caregivers at night. They reported today that he called them fondly,  "The Mothers." When Wally had trouble sleeping he entertained himself with what he called a Jamison picnic. The picnic feast included a shot of Jamison Irish Whiskey, finely shaved parmesan cheese and grapes. We all toasted Wally today with shots of Jamison or Ginger Ale mid memorial service. He was loved by many and will be missed.

For the Record,
This day came in with a stiff breeze, but blue skies and warm temperatures.

All hands  wary

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