
By bananablip

Why do we do this to ourselves?

After Prayer Breakfast this morning, I headed out to meet Hannah and Vic for our 20 mile training run. We’re all running London this year, either in the city or virtually. After a breezy 18 miler last week, I was feeling super confident about today, even though I was tired after a busy week.

It was not a good run for me. Maybe it was tired legs, maybe it was the heat and humidity, maybe it was the constant trails and rough ground. Whatever it was, it wasn’t my day. For absolute certain, I would have given up at mile 5 if I was on my own.

We were talking on the way about how running is a head game and how your last run affects how you go into your next. Today has really knocked my confidence for London and I know I’m going to have to get another good run in before the day now. Not as long, for sure and not on trails, but I can’t go to London on the back of that one.

Of course, at my most sweaty, the water pressure in the whole of Shrewsbury was down due to a fault so I had a cold trickle of a shower.

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