Shadows in time

By cairistiona

Recreation / vaccination

This was my first ever visit to the Wigginton Recreation Hall - I've never had cause to come to this part of York before. The occasion was my youngest son's first Covid jab. How recreational.

As I glanced though the windows after taking this pic, I saw lots of newly jabbed young people (including my son - who was looking at his phone) waiting on rows of chairs to be allowed out. And in fact as I turned the corner to go back to wait in the car, a message pinged on to my phone: "Mum, I have to wait here for 10 minutes now to check I don't drop dead." Lovely.

We had a long discussion last night about whether he should or shouldn't get vaccinated. Some of the news stories last week, especially about boys in the 12-15 age group, seem to suggest it might be better not to. However, he is 22, and has looked into it in detail, and is adamant it is better that he gets jabbed. I'm probably glad he is old enough to make that decision himself.

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