All by myself….

There was a pigeon incident at work today.

Pigeon Bert  mistook his reflection for that of his long- term love Beatrice.

He hit the window with such force there was a beautiful abstract emblazoned for all to see.  I like to call it ‘pigeon with bent head’

He fell to the ground dead.  Immediately.  I don’t think there was any suffering. 

The last thing he thought was ‘my love my love I see you, you beautiful creature' 


The saddest part of the tale However remains atop the lamppost where she witnessed the tragic accident.

Beatrice, his one true love is sat. Waiting for him to get up and join her In their ritual coo’ing and bobbing.

Since the stoat stopped by to see what was going down and now Bert is straddled both the pavement and car park.

I don't think they'll be getting back together any time soon.

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