Kate, it's a flower!

My old passport finally arrived! 
So many people want to travel that the State Department was inundated. The State Dept employees can't process passport requests from home, they have to be in the office to do that, so with Covid it took longer. at the same time that demand surged. 

I finally got my renewed passport. 
I finally got my passport card (in some countries the authorities want you to have your passport on you, but it isn't safe to do because people will literally rob you for your passport. Now they have a "passport card" that hopefully can serve as local identification even though it can't get you on a plane). 
My "identification documents," which in my case was my previous passport, were supposed to come next but they didn't, and they didn't, and I was a little worried they were lost. 

Now my old passport is here. My proof that my life was once more exciting than driving off and having lunch with co-workers outdoors is here. I used to go places! I used to do things! I have interesting countries in that passport and a stamp from Machu Piccu. There was life before Covid!!! 

As to the future, I looked up what things cost in Iceland, like insured rental cars and AirBnBs and gasoline and plane tickets. If you take multi-vitamins, you can survive two weeks on Ramen noodles right? 

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