Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A few Vegan products in our fridge.

The Feast Day of St Hyacinth
It has been a quiet homely day 22c and Paul returned home 9pm from visiting and making meals and shopping for his parents. Arthur is quite needy and yowly so I stayed home to look after him. Him parents are both in their 90s and valued his kindness.
I have found on YouTube a brilliant Christian family who record their own music : Sounds like Reign.
They have seven young sons and home school them. They live by the Bible guidance and it has worked really well for all their family. They make handmade fragrance soap from lye and oils and ground lavender flowers. They have build raised beds to grow their own fruit and vegetables.
They are my ideal heaven on Earth family.
Have a good evening blip friends. Sorry this is so late, but life sometimes really flys by.

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