
By Cari

First Wish

My first dandelion wish photo of the season

Friends...I have to tell you what an amazing night we had last night! Went to the charity auction for the local girl with leukemia (This is her 3rd time battling the disease in her young 9 years of life) All I can say is Wow. The outpouring of support and love for this family was heartwarming. It was truly an honor to be part of this great benefit. They raised about $45,000!!!! This procedure is very experimental. They showed a video of the doctor and one of his patients that is now cancer free. The little local girl will be the 7th child to have this treatment. Her and her family are on the other side of the country and it will take about a month to complete. Insurance does not cover it so why they are having the fund raisers. I will be keeping A in prayers and believe this strong brave little girl will BEAT CANCERS BUTT!!!

Another sunny day but chilllly!
Had a super day at the store!!
Off to watch movies with the hubby :)

Oh, and the hummingbirds were very active today!!! No great shots but happy to see them flitting about. Made my day

Happy Saturday

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