It's been a bit emotional lately. I honestly feel so exhausted and I don't know why. Steven told me that it's probably because I've got so much going on in my head, that's it's now making my physically exhausted. I dunno. Make sense I guess.
Our weeks have kind of been all over the place. I've now settled on a business in virtual assistant work, and it's really nice to finally have a good starting point. My business course starts on Thursday, and I'm so excited to finally make moves beyond the ideas in my head. I'll soon know exactly what my offerings are going to be, and I can then start structuring my packages to reflect that. I'll be starting to market on socials soon, too. That's the hardest part for me. I've spent so much time hating the idea of "content creation" and how it fully removes humans from living in a real moment.. that trying to switch that mindset is hard. I'm going to have to start creating content for marketing my business, and so I've been trying to figure out how to do that while staying quite authentic to myself.
We decided to go to a cafe and put in some work today. I'm currently watching Stevie do something very intense on his computer while I'm writing this blip. I've gotten most of what I wanted to get done today. I've sorted my business costs/budget spreadsheet and looked at pricing for business expenses that I anticipate incurring. Once I start establishing the business, I'm going to have to declare the business name and start thinking about taxes.. which is a whole other thing.
Did you know that for Americans, if you own a business, you have to still pay taxes EVEN IF you don't live in America? I can be out of the country for years at a time, but because I'm a citizen, I'm still required to pay taxes. For British citizens, Steven doesn't have to pay taxes if he doesn't live in the country. If he's not in the UK, using public resources, they won't tax him on his business. That's SO CRAZY!
Anyway, I'm getting getting my head around the legal aspect of owning a business and how to keep track of expenses/profit in order to declare or write off goods. It's definitely good that I'm thinking about that now, because once I start making money it'll be so hard to back track.
We'll probably leave here soon and walk back to the flat. We've got to get to bed early tonight, because we have a wine tour early in the morning! A couple of our friends from Steven's birthday dinner the other night got him a birthday gift. They bought us a tour of Georgia's wineries that includes food and drink for the day. It's an all day affair - leaving at 8:30am and getting back at 10pm. I didn't think we'd be able to afford a big wine tour, but Georgia is meant to be the oldest wine producing country in the world. It dates back 8,000 years!! I'm soooo excited.
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