After a bit of a sleepless and restless night I had a sneaky riding lesson this morning, lots of flat work, working my and my mounts brains and legs. Other than a slight navigational error at one point we both did ok. And were both very sweaty at the end.
Home for a shower (!) then I had a bit of a hissy fit at my wardrobe and threw out a load more stuff I've stopped wearing or liking. There won't be much left soon.
Himself and I then went out to lunch at a lovely olde worlde pub about five miles away. It's an easy yet still complicated public transport journey but it does mean we can both have a drink (Himself doesn't drive and I refuse to be a taxi service). I'm trying not to fall asleep now.
Friday night in with crochet and telly I think. I'm quite looking forward to it.
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