Leigh-on-Sea Landscape

Camera Club first night last evening and we had a Zoom meeting - meeting up face-to-face next week.  We had images and talk from Wayne Davey.  His landscapes from all over UK were annoyingly excellent - every single one!  I even enjoyed his images of aircraft which he showed at the end.  Fired up with enthusiasm I put my wide angle lens on my camera and turned the dial to RAW + jpeg.  The sky was showing a little bit of interest, the tide was out and I set off for Two Tree Island to see if I could take something inspiring and try my hand at processing a raw image.  How wrong was I on two or three fronts - Ginny was having a lively and disobedient day - photography and puppy walking not an ideal mix -  we got caught in a heavy shower and both got soaked - she went curly and my hair straightened.  I took a few shots and they were awful.  Waited in the car for the shower to stop and then moved to another spot,  having given up on photography we enjoyed a walk in a warm breeze which dried our hair,  the rainwater having given it that extra shine.
The image above?  An upturned barnacle encrusted dinghy bottom which I noticed could be made to look like a landscape after a bit of Photoshop stuff.  Best viewed small please - just a bit of fun.

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