Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach

Good Food on a Cold, Snowy Day

It was quite a shock to wake up this morning (after a very long sleep) to find it had been snowing quite hard for a couple of hours. The garden looked beautiful and I took a couple of photographs, fully expecting to use one as my blip for today.

However, this afternoon, I was preparing our meal and as I gathered all the various ingredients together, thought how colourful they were (isn't the inside of a red cabbage amazing?) so decided to blip these instead - and also because probably "the world and his wife" would be blipping snow!

The meat in the dish is belly pork (which my Swiss friend, Doris, loves, but cannot get in Switzerland) and this is covered with Bramley cooking apples and will then be cooked in cider and gravy, in a very slow oven.

The red cabbage will be mixed with onion, more Bramley apples, sultanas and then cooked in red wine vinegar mixed with a little sugar and some nutmeg.

We will have mashed potato, sprouts and carrots as well - so definitely good food on a very cold day - food to warm the cockles of our hearts!

Whilst it has been cooking, the smells emanating from the kitchen have been wonderful and I'm sure it will taste even better!

I remember saying a few days ago that I was confident God would provide for our needs, and today He did just that.

I trust that those of you who have been snowed in today have also been fortunate enough to have plenty of good food - somehow a salad in these weather conditions just doesn't seem quite right - with apologies to all vegetarians!

Have a blessed Sunday!

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