A daunder in Dunkeld

We headed over to Dunkeld this morning to climb up the King's Seat or Brinam Hill (this was actually more than a daunder !). 

Afterwards we headed into Dunkeld itself where we had lunch and then visited the Community Archive which is housed in a lovely modern building near the Cathedral as T had arranged to meet the archivists to discuss some collaborations he may be doing. We also looked in at the Art Exhibition.

I came back to find a citation for jury service - I am supportive of doing my civic duty but instead of being in Perth (which is just over 30 mins by train or over an hour by local bus) juries are being housed in a cinema in Dundee.  This is to allow better social distancing, which in itself is fine, but takes no account of travel arrangements. Jurors are required to be there for 10 but the earliest I can get  there on public transport would be 9.40 (which assumes no delays) Travelling from Pitlochry would involve train-train bus or bus-train-bus, taking two or more hours to get there and the same back.  I shall contact them tomorrow asking to be excused on this occassion but am annoyed that no considerations has been given to this in planning the alternative arrangements and will also contact my MSP.  Grrr. Rant over. 

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