
By Igor

making hay while the Sun shines

I bunk off gym today and go for a bike ride instead.   The weather is too good to let the opportunity slip by.

It’s 9.00 o'clock when I set off and already it’s hotting up.  I’m in danger of breaking into a sweat.

I stop for a drink and a Blip after about half an hour.  My gym pals will be starting their warm up exercises, before getting into some more vigorous activity.  It’s a bit like aerobics  in that there’s a lot of moving about to a soundtrack of 1970s disco music.  But without the leg warmers.

And the pace is different.  We’re a group of pensioners with varying long-term health problems.   Think Tai Chi  without the grace or ‘precious thing’.  

It’s well past 10.00 when I get home.  There’s no welcoming smell of almond croissant coming from the kitchen.  Anniemay has been off on her own bike ride, this time to somewhere unpronounceable.  I was hoping it would be New York again.  I might have got a virtual bagel.  

The bales looks better large.

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