Light show

Nasty, nasty day out there! If I didn't have a ticket to see an exhibition at the Hayward Gallery, I think I would have stayed at home drinking lots of wine tea and eating naughty things.

Light Show seemed an appropriate exhibition on such a grey day! All of the exhibits are conjured out of electricity and bulbs, and there are some marvels amongst them. All in all it was thoroughly entertaining and a real tonic!

It also would have been fertile ground for some excellent images but there was a strictly enforced no photography policy. Beady-eyed security staff were posted in each room, and I didn't feel I could pull off the 'pretend texting whilst secretly snapping' trick. Therefore, I had to brave the elements to get a blip.

Next to the gallery, on the eerily deserted South Bank of the river, there is spot where budding Banksies can strut their stuff, and it is a popular spot for skateboarders. So I took a quick image in the driving sleet / snow (by this stage I didn't know, or care, what it was!) and I was gone.

Hope you are having a good weekend :)

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