Are you laughing at me???
This goose was staring at us for the longest time . Just standing there with the feather in his mouth. Not attempting to preen . Not trying to eat it. Not trying to spit it out. Just staring .
Spent the weekend with my friend in Hershey ,PA. Avoided the park all together but did manage to round up some chocolate to bring home. Mostly Reese's cups and Hershey kisses for my son. This Am we went for a walk on a trail and ended it near this little pond where there were ducks and geese hanging out. After stomping on a lot of Chinese Lantern flies which Hershy and PA are now infested with.
I am probably going to back blip Sat and Sun's photos because I didn't blip at all those days but now I have downloaded and edited stuff. Hope you all had a lovely weekend and long weekend for those of us in the US.
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