
By selfcontained

One Wooden Bench

"Mono Monday". Spent most of the day busy doing various chores around the house but I'm hard pressed to say I accomplished anything at all. The good news is that we could actually turn off the AC last night and I left if off all day. Not sure if it's going to be cool enough again tonight or not. Betty likes to come upstairs and lay out on the back deck when it's cool and last night was the first time in months she's been able to do that. We were all happy and slept well.
Back to work tomorrow and I'll see who's "absconded" over the 3 day weekend. Someone usually does. It's almost comical. At times I'll think someone is doing pretty well and the next day they will have "absconded", meaning they have incurred another parole violation for leaving before finishing the 90 day program and having an approved parole plan.  The reasons for this vary and it's everything you can probably think of. 
I really work towards encouraging everyone to stick with it and give examples of "success" stories but some people are so used to failing it's become an integral part of their identity and difficult for them to visualize any other way. There are success stories and those are to be celebrated as it does show people are capable of significant change.
This weekend seemed like it went by really fast.

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