Botanical Garden

I went to the Brookside Botanical Garden and I took so many pictures that I don't know which to share. I have been there twice, both at someone else's suggestion and both times the visit lasted a little too long. This is the first time I've gone of my own initiative. Change is interesting. 

It is so big that I got lost. I had to backtrack to make sure I could find my way to my car. 

Goodbye 5781. I'm having peaches with blue cheese, chopped nuts, and honey to bring in a sweeter 5782. 

Evie, the extra uses the Edge.

When I came home Karen was very concerned about Lambda. Obviously, it is new, we still need to study it, but a recent article in Barrons said, "while early data show that Lambda is indeed more resistant to antibodies raised against other virus variants, the antibody levels in vaccinated people are more than sufficient to prevent disease symptoms from Lambda exposure.”

There is a photographer, Mads Peter Iversen, who has taken AMAZING photographs of Iceland. I'm binging on his videos. 

A good week to you all. 

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