A tangle of hats

Woke feeling a bit headachey so I’ve had a fairly quiet day knitting. I’m a tiny bit obsessive and have tried to make the same number of each type of hat so only 6 more to make and I’ll have 60 ready to send off. Well once I’ve sewed up the side seams and made/attached the pom-poms for the last 18. Thankfully the headache didn’t last too long.

I’ve enjoyed making them but think I’ll put away my knitting needles for a wee while.

Managed a couple of shortish dog walks with Phin today, his eyes are slightly better but we’re still keeping an eye on them to make sure don’t get worse.

Our motor home arrived back from Newcastle at lunchtime and I’ll give it the once over later in the week before we head off again next week.

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