campervan man

By campervan

As Robin Williams said....


Well maybe it was Viet-Nam not Face-nham and it was this afternoon not this morning but why spoil a good line simply for the sake of accuracy.

I was in Fakenham because my kids had told me about this app. "Too Good to Go". This is where various, mainly food, shops sell off their surplus at the end of the day at a considerable discount (You might all know about it already, its only me that was ignorant).Daughter Two said that a small local chain of bakers used this site and, as I knew they did really good bread etc I gave it a go and actually won one of their "magic bags".
Well this time I got a winner, bread, rolls, cakes, cheese straws, cookies and a couple of other things .It could become quite addictive, a small financial outlay could win you surprise goody bag, contents unknown, a bit like gambling. I could end up a very fat addict if I am not careful.

Fakenham was  centre for printing until the last press closed 40 plus years ago. These printing blocks were laid in the town square to commemorate this history.

Project update - the bald patch of lawn that started all this process has now been re-turfed and looks almost as good as new. Had I chosen a different option everything would now be finished. 
But I didn't

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