You Can't Always Get What You Want

On This Day In History
1522: Magellan's expedition circumnavigates the globe

Quote Of The Day 
"Like Magellan, let us find our islands
To die in, far from home, from anywhere
Familiar. Let us risk the wildest places,
Lest we go down in comfort, and despair."
(Mary Oliver)

The last CD I bought in Tower Records, Sannomiya, was Added Violence by Nine Inch Nails. Today I bought If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power by Halsey and Nine Inch Nails. It's been receiving rave reviews, and my daughter likes Halsey so I'm sure I'll love it.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the so-called "explicit" version in which the baby's hand is not in front of the mother's breast. On the same shelf there was a vinyl version of the album which did show Halsey's fully exposed breast. Honestly, it beggars belief that with all the horrors that exist in the world, a woman's nipples are still regarded as something too shocking for public exposure. It's not as if this is a pornographic image. In fact, it is a religious image of Halsey representing the Madonna with Child inspired by The Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels from the Melun Diptych by the French court painter Jean Fouquet. Is that offensive?

Sometimes the world really doesn't make any sense.

The Tradition

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