Mr. Yaris

Meet our new best friend! We call him Mr. Yaris and we love him already!

Helle's boyfriend Anders has been looking for a new used car for me for a while and a couple of days ago he rang me and said he had found one that might be right for us. So I went car shopping this morning! Anders came too, to make sure it was ok. He is a car expert and I know nothing about cars, so I am very grateful for his help.

Luckily the car looked great and it is very nice to drive, so an hour later, I took off and drove home in it! I have spent the afternoon fitting crates in for the dogs and we have taken it for a little test drive to the lake, where the boys had a lovely run.

Tea time now I think and hopefully I can find some energy for the school books when I've eaten.

Happy weekend!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

PS. It has automatic gearbox, which I have never tried before, so it takes some getting used to!

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