Oldway Mansion gradually falling apart.
Jobs to do on the allotment this morning, watering, then I decided to empty the water butts, two of them very low so a good opportunity, so move them to create more storage space. I did'nt get to finish the move so planned to go back later after walking Indie. A bit mizzly when I left for Knighton so swapped my jumper for the pacamac. It's close so certainly don't want to overheat. I'd cut a bunch of sweet peas on the plot for Mum. A very pleasant walkabout, snacking on blackberries along the way. I checked another bramble patch that I remembered bore good fruits in the past. The cattle were'nt on the old football pitch, so had a quick look. Yep! Looking good, & ripe. :-)
Back at Mum's, the next door neighbours have gone to Spain, they have a property over there, They've been gone 3 weeks and not due back until October, but some of the plants in their front garden were looking very sad, some dead, & Mum does'nt like to see it looking that way, so we went in with secateurs, & watering cans. Cut the dead sweet peas off the trellis, and gave all the remaining plants in containers a good soak. No rain forecast at the mo. Had a coffee & chat. Mum is normally very good at remembering dates but recently getting forgetful. Today would have been my brother, Neil's birthday. He was 28 years old when he passed away after bravely fighting cancer, that was 28 years ago. Mum could'nt remember his birthday. :-(
Home again by midday, I sat and watched some of the Paralympics closing ceremony. What an amazing display & performance, such a pity the stadium empty, the majority of competitors already returned home. Lunch, then hubby went to watch the sport in the pub & I returned to the plot. I attempted to complete the water butt move but need some bricks to raise up the water butt base. I've seen some dumped on Knighton heath so will be paying a visit very soon. I harvested the remaining peas, removed the plants, chopped them up for the composter, pulled up the pea sticks, bundled them up for next year then harvested more runner beans, courgettes, raspberries, & rhubarb. Walked home laden with produce.
Thanks to Marleiske for continuing to host Derelict Sunday
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