Mr ( Mrs) Heron ......
...... Posing nicely!
Church was lovely this morning we not only sang, which we'd been doing for some weeks, but we had a choir fully robbed things MUST be getting back to some sort of normality. Wine & nibbles were being served as well as coffee as a 2and welcome ( in the hall instead of outside!) to our new ( of 2 months) rector, alas I wasn't able to join them as i- pad technology was hanging over me. The Rev said he would look at it. I must say a huge thank you to him as he spent time talking to Apple store technical person. Thankfully it's ok now, hopefully.
It started off a dull day with 14%c but by afternoon it was 23%c . A & I went out with our flask of coffee . I managed to struggle up to this area to get a blip and as you can see Mr Herom was posing beautifully. A lovely lady came and spoke to me at length. What a lovely conversation we had, she said she'd watched me struggle & thought
how well I was doing. That was so nice to hear as one thinks they should be doing more! She recognised how frustrating it was.
It's so nice to be warm as it's been so chilly of late.
Hope you all had a great Sunday
Thoughtful ....... of my dilemma rectified with many thanks to the son in law.
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