
I was invited out for lunch by Tiago, who is the lawyer helping us navigate the tribulations of NGO registration. In the time I’ve been away he’s been made a partner so the lunch (mussels, garlic bread and crab gnocchi - all totally delicious) was very generously on the company credit card.

Even though it was a friendly affair, I wore smart clothes. I got in the txopela to head to the restaurant, and Paulo remarked ‘estás bonito amigo’, which was a kind compliment. He added that the joke amongst Mozambicans is that ‘brancos não sabem de estilo’ (white people don’t know about style), and that today I was helping to counter the argument. Thanks, I think?

On the less glamorous, less crab gnocchi in a posh restaurant end of things, the cut price crackers I bought turned out to be a disappointment. You don’t want to see weevils scuttling onto your hand as you bring a cracker to your mouth.

I very much enjoyed this tiny gecko on my wall, around 1.5 inches long.

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